Wemos D1 Mini

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How to load Tasmota on the Wemos D1 Mini

- install and run Arduino 1.8.9

- install esp8266 libraries

   'Tools - Manage Libraries' - type: 'esp8266' and select the library from MicroGear (chavee)

- install esp8266 boards

   'File - Preferences - Additional board manager URLs'
      add:   https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
   Then install the boards:   
   'Tools - Board - Board Manager' - Type: 'esp8266' and install the 'esp8266 by ESP8266 Community'

- load board for 'LOLIN (WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini'

You can now write sketches to the device. Check the 'Examples' section to get started.

Writing an MQTT client to the Wemos D1 Mini using Arduino

(This is different to the Tasmota environment which is a fully integrated client platform and has relatively little customisation possibilities)


 Writing the Tasmota client firmware to a Wemos D1 Mini


- download and set up Tasmota libraries and sketches (Sonoff-Tasmota-6.6.0) (where?) - compile and flash to USB attached Wemos D1 Mini - update my_user_config.h for local wifi connection settings - check local dhcp server for ip address - browse to ip

upgrade over the air to newer versions is now possible

 NOTE: newer versions of Tasmota were harder and harder to compile
       on Arduino. As a result, they have now made available an
       entirely different development IDE (something 'IO'). If you
       can compile and write Tasmota to an ESP8266 through Arduino
       then good for you, but you won't find much support if it
       doesn't work anymore.



Writing the Tasmota client firmware to a Wemos D1 Mini
  -> download the tasmota.bin binary firmware from github and
     flash it directly to the board with the esptool.py