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Presentation Notes for the Microcontroller Introduction at Westlakes Amateur Radio Club

Data sheets

Hardware setup:

  • connection diagram
  • batch/script files
  • avrdude

Avrdude program script

  • Windows
@echo off

set PROJECT=blinkled
set SPEED=16000000UL
set PORT=\\.\USBSER000
set GCC_DEVICE=attiny85
set PGM_DEVICE=t85
set PGM_PROTO=avrispv2
set AVRTOOLS=C:\winavr-20100110\bin

echo compile program
avr-gcc -g %GCC_OPTIMISATION% -Wall -mcall-prologues -DF_CPU=%SPEED% -mmcu=%GCC_DEVICE%   -c -o %PROJECT%.o %PROJECT%.c

echo create object file
avr-gcc -g %GCC_OPTIMISATION% -Wall -mcall-prologues -DF_CPU=%SPEED% -mmcu=%GCC_DEVICE% %PROJECT%.o -o %PROJECT%.obj

echo convert object file to hex file
avr-objcopy  -R .eeprom -O ihex %PROJECT%.obj %PROJECT%.hex

echo write program to chip
avrdude -F -c %PGM_PROTO% -P %PORT% -p %PGM_DEVICE% -U flash:w:%PROJECT%.hex  

echo avr-list output:
echo ----------------
%AVRTOOLS%\avr-size -C --mcu=%GCC_DEVICE%  %PROJECT%.obj > %PROJECT%_avr-size.txt

type %PROJECT%_avr-size.txt

  • Linux

Demo Programs for the ATtiny85:

  • Blink led


  Demo program: blinkled.c

  This program continously loops, bringing PB4 high and low with one-second intervals. 

                       +--- ---+
          (RST)   PB5 -|1 |_| 8|- VCC 
                  PB3 -|2     7|- PB2    (SCK)          
    +---|<|------ PB4 -|3     6|- PB1    (MISO)         
    |   led   +-- GND -|4     5|- PB0    (MOSI)
    |         |        +-------+

   Pololu programming cable pinout (top view)

    ----------------  gnd |o o| rst
    ribbon cable     mosi |o o| sck
    -----red--------  vdd |o o| miso

    NOTE: The T85 must be externally powered with 5V (4.5V does NOT work!)
          A t85 driving a standard 2x16 LCD without backlit LED on draws
          about 8.5mA so with 100mA to spare on a USB port you could consider
          grabbing 5V from the Pololu programmer. The 5V pin on the 
          programmer is labeled: 'VBUS (+5V)'


#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

#define LED PB4    // Define ext led pin on PB4
#define OUTPUT 0
#define INPUT  1
#define LOW    0
#define HIGH   1

void pinMode(int pin,int state)
  if (state == OUTPUT)
    (DDRB |= (1 << pin)); 
  } else { 
    (DDRB &= ~(1 << pin)); 

void digitalWrite(int pin, int state)
  // make sure port is set to output
  DDRB |= (1 << pin);

  if (state == HIGH)
    (PORTB |= (1 << pin)); 
  } else {
    (PORTB &= ~(1 << pin));

int main( void ) 

  pinMode(LED,OUTPUT);    // Set output direction on LED 

  while ( 1 ) 

      digitalWrite (LED,HIGH);
      digitalWrite (LED,LOW);


  return 0;

  • Read push button state
  • Analog to Digital
  • PWM (pulse width modulation)

Web links:

